
Things to consider when looking for a good designer handbag

The number one factor to consider is safety when looking for a travel bag. This is not only referring to the safety of the people you are travelling with or yourself, but also the safe keeping of your passport, travel documents, personal belongings and currency. A travel cambridge satchel designer handbag should contain your most valued travel items such as credit cards, passport, hotel key, traveler checks and other forms of travel ID. A travel handbag should be designed with strong, secure straps, inner storage and magnetic or zippered closures. A good number of vacation travelers will even carry a money pouch hidden beneath their clothes to further deter would-be thieves.

Tips for spotting real designer handbags before buying them:

In large metropolitan fashion capitals such as Paris, London, LA, New York, Madrid or Toronto it may seem like it would be simple to find an authentic handbag but looks can be deceiving. Unfortunately, the uncontrolled sale of fake handbags is an easy profit for street sellers and flea market merchants who really do not care who they victimize to make some quick cash. If you have bought a designer brand name handbag in any of these cities from a street vendor, chances are that it is not an original. The actual location of the sale should the first red flag you should be aware of when trying to spot an authentic designer handbag. Some quick tips on spotting fake merchandise:

1. Take a really close look at the design. You should get some sense that it is not real just by looking at it. If you think about it, the high end designer make high quality handbags so you can usually spot bad quality imitations just by looking at them. Check the inner stitching and smell or feel the material. A real designer handbag will appear almost near perfect. The colors of the bag will be consistent, the inner lining and the stitching will be free of any visible flaws. Furthermore, an engraved or imprinted designer brand logo should be visible somewhere on or inside the handbag itself.

2. Request proof of authentication such as receipts or serial numbers. The most expensive designer handbags are always accompanied authenticity cards. The authenticity card will showcase the company brand logo and usually include some sort of serial number or a magnetic strip registered to the actual designer itself. Make sure that you ask to see these important pieces of information before you decide to buy it.

3. If the price is too good to be true, it usually is. If a brand name handbag were that cheap every person on the street would own one.

Choosing the appropriate authentic designer handbag is not rocket science but there are crucial matters that one needs to consider before purchasing one. Now that you have some adequate knowledge of finding the right luxury designer handbags for your ever increasing wardrobe go out and buy one. Just keep in mind that there are proper real designer handbags for all types of life real life situations.

It can be a little intimidating to try and choose the perfect bag from amongst the multitude of choices of luxury designer handbags available on the market today.

It is no wonder that so many questions arises concerning real designer handbags, purses and even luggage in regards to their appropriate usage.

Believe it or not, one of the most discussed questions is on what type of designer handbag to buy for a job interview.(surce:cambridgesatchelon.com)

